The April 2022 Hoard's Dairyman Bull List is now available. Initially delayed, this report has the complete and accurate listing of all seven breed's leaders and top Holstein and Jersey bulls, proven and...
How does one combat inflation? Interest rates. That’s the most effective tool in the toolbox for economists and policymakers alike when it comes to countering high inflation
Dairy farming has made great strides in efficiency and reducing its environmental impact. Between 1944 and 2007, the carbon footprint for a gallon of milk has been reduced by two-thirds
It’s not just business expenses rising for dairy farmers across the country — higher prices are impacting every aspect of human life, from the gas pump to the grocery store
Converting feed cost to milk income is the most basic description of my job as a nutritionist. It is really no different than an auto manufacturing plant that buys various pieces of metal, plastic
A cliché is an overused word or phrase that can deviate from or even betray the word’s intended meaning. In some cases, clichés are used so frequently that they become unnoticeable...
This country, Israel, has led the world in annual per cow production since the 1990s. Today, the 115,000 cows in the national herd produce 26,288 pounds of milk, 1,010 pounds of fat, and 880 pounds of...
The dairy industry has been through very turbulent waters the last several years, but don’t get complacent about what appears to be a good price year ahead of us
Many of us find ourselves eating out more in recent years than we did a decade ago, and certainly more than a generation ago. In many regions, there has been a proliferation of eating options
Even before the pandemic, but especially since, calls for change have been heard in the dairy industry from nearly every group involved — farmers, processors, cooperatives, haulers, and more
“We haven’t had many major changes to the federal orders since 2000,” shared Jim Mulhern with those attending the 24th annual meeting of Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) on March 23
The triple play of sexed semen, genomic tests, and beef semen on dairy cows is earning all-star honors as a replacement management strategy on many of our dairy farms
Dairy producers are well aware of what milk fever does to a cow. Muscle weakness and recumbency are the most visible signs, and if the condition is left untreated, it can lead to death